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Новинки янтарных изделий

English - "Baltamber" - amber items

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen

We propose you a unique chance to purchase wonderful hand-made masterpieces made of natural Baltic Amber directly from the authors. 

Pictures of amber grit or of amber mosaic pieces
Amber pictures can be produced of any ornament or design. The method of amber picture performing is as follows: picture is first contouring on the paper or canvas, then the picture is covering with pieces of amber of different colors and fraction: from amber sand to mosaic pieces. Any picture of your design including your portraits and religious icons can be performed by mean of this method. 

Great range of different VIP presents and souvenirs made of amber
- Highly artistic articles for interior design, decorated with gold, silver, elephant ivory and/or Florentine mosaic;
- Clocks, watches, stone statuettes of people and animals, pictures, vases, cups, bowls, backgammons, chess, ships and other sea articles made of amber;
- Corporate Logos and emblems. 

Jewelry made of amber
- Articles made of amber, gold and silver;
- Bijouterie made of amber: bracelets, beads, brooches, ear-rings, necklaces, rings, pendents , chaplets, etc.;
- Articles made of amber and glass beads (beadworks). 

Furniture with amber inlays
- Doors, parquet, stained-amber windows, wall decorating amber panels for decorating of amber spa-salon, manager’s study, or even variants of world known “amber room” за Russian Royal Family;
- Tallboys, furniture sets, coffee tables, cheval glass sets and cupboards incrusted with amber;
- Devotional articles: icon cases, icons.


All amber products radiate positive energy and favorably influence people. Made from natural materials.


Duration of amber article manufacturing depends on its complexity and size and covers a period from 1 week (pictures, stone-cut statues), 1 month (portraits and furniture articles) to 3-5 months (clocks, chess). We should admit our examples demonstrate just approximate design which is showing the stone quality and type of its processing, this design can be changed according to customer’s wishes. All amber made or amber incrusted articles are unique due to unique characteristics of amber stone applied for this very article. 


Add amber variety, luxury and warm light to your interior.
Turn relations with your partners and customers into an amber comfort level! 

If you wish to order for souvenirs and presents hand-made of natural Baltic amber, please, write a letter with details of your order (detailed as much as possible) and e-mail it to us.